or old minty as i like to call it. oh how i love you. oh how i hate you. i love that you are beatiful, historic, spooky, green and surrounded by lovely sunflower fields and sparkling water. i hate that i can not even afford a single nugget of your soil. ugh.
timber neck farm is a 600 acre historic estate in gloucester, virginia being developed for rich folk by the parent company of jamie's employer. oh my gosh is it ever georgous and chocked full of history. we went over to play on saturday. i took a few pics, mostly of the house and the point of land it sits on. there are hundreds of acres of beautiful fields encircled by lots fronting the york river. if you are on the yorktown side of the river, you can actually see this house from the colonial parkway. i definitely have a love hate relationship with timberneck. i cry when i see it and when i leave it. it hurts being poor.
Seasonal Recipes To Cook in April
12 hours ago