okay here's the deal, i have a huge butt, i mean huge problem. i bought peanut butter m&m's today and i can not stop eating them(one reason for first "huge" mentioned). it started in the car on the way home from the store, then progressed simply to the open bag on the kitchen table, then swiping some from my son's share when he looked the other way, even to racing the dog to the stray one on the floor when it jumped ship. i won. it is so sad. i need an intervention. i also need to be honest with you. i have had a little help from my boy or so i keep telling myself, my husband, daughter, dog and whoever else might listen, but really, how much can a 34 lb. preschooler eat? i mean i can blame him for almost any reasonable random amount. i mean anything to make me feel better and justify my overindulgence. "gawd, travis must be having a growth spurt. he ate, like, i dunno, half a bag of peanut butter m&m's". truth is what i really bought the bag, ahem, bags for were to use them in baking, but what? i searched the net and only came up with the same ole recipes, your everyday "substitute chocolate chips for m&m's" kinda rubbish. i don't want that. i want m&m excitement! i want a m&m epiphany! i want a m&m culinary masterpiece!
you can help me. i want your ideas. please leave me suggestions in my comment box about what i can do with these addictive little gems and i will pick one and give it a try. surprise me. i need a challenge. i need something to do. it is not like i have two kids to tend or never ending laundry or a house to clean or supper to fix....
They are beautiful, i put them on ice cream cones!
I LOVE peanut butter M&Ms! One of the best things I've done with them yet is to chop them in half and throw them into my favourite peanut butter cookie recipe, pretty much as I would if I was adding chocolate chips!
who are you kidding? those things will never see a recipe!
hand to bag to mouth, repeat.
just sayin'
Try this recipe out
You can be getting ready for a halloween party later this year.
Or for someone up all night long,anyway they are yummy.
I've never had them before and I think that's a good thing because I would eat the whole bag in one sitting.
I LOVE those m & m's!!! yum!! I love them in cookies or homemade trail mix :)
I just posted a saltine cookie recipe that we topped w/ m&ms. The peanut butter ones would have been a great topping! Hope you try 'em.
I had the same problem when I bought a huge back of PB M&Ms so I threw them in a batch of rice krispie bars that I made with cocoa krispies...however, these were even more addicting!
I would put them in a cheesecake, were I ever able to get away from "hand to bag to mouth, repeat". Or cupcakes... Anything but cookies.
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