the chicken are here. they left their home at the local feed store to move to their new digs.

our empty wood box in the den. they have a comfy storage bin filled with pine shaving, topped with paper towels(which i removed after a few hours), food, water and lots of warmth from a red heat lamp. ahhhh, chicken bliss....
we put them into their new cozy nook and they promptly crapped all over the place.
aren't they cute?

abby and lucy are rhode island reds. lucy(in the sky) has a (with) diamond(s) on her head, so we can tell those two apart, for now.

daisy and minnie are black sex links, which is a cross between a rhode island red and a barred plymouth rock. daisy's little wing is white tipped, so it helps id her, for now. both breeds are great egg layers, friendly and handle confinement well. although, i have to say with the run jamie is building, they are going to think they are free ranged, lots of space to scratch, peck and talk. well, i am sure i will take plenty more pics of the girls to share, hopefully less poopy shots. until later.
ps-thank you all for the name suggestions. i will pick a winner tomorrow for my little cheep giveaway!
So cute!! Great names!
God bless-
I love them!!! We went to the tractor supply yesterday and almost bought a couple..but I don't have a coop yet. I am so excited for you!!
Man oh man there seems to be a run of chicks all across the food blogosphere! What is this madness? Spring? Easter? Crazy! But they are so adorable!!! But you do know that they grow up into chickens? Big things? With big poop? Ha Ha!
So cute I can hear the cheep cheep noises from here! Can't wait for the first eggs!
So cute! I can just imagine those little cheep cheep noises they will be making. Can't wait for that proud moment when they start laying eggs.
Picked great names for the chicks. Yes, they are adoraable, and yes they do POOP A LOT.
I am excited I won the give a way.
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