Thursday, September 24, 2009

dark chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting, need i say more?

make these now! no, listen to me, go make these now. enough said.

the recipe is here. although her's looks way prettier than mine, i am positive mine are just as tasty. let me tell you, these goober cakes are divine, dropped in from above. now, after you spend some time poking around that adorable website, get off of your computer and go make these. enjoy.

are you still here? go, get, scat, vamoose, hit the road, get to stepping....


Jennifer said...

Oh my god those look soooo yummy, they are next on my list to make. I just made pumpkin swirl cheesecake today!

Amy I. said...

They look great!! I especially love the dusting of chocolate on top. So glad you enjoyed the recipe. As far as what to do with the extra frosting, have you thought of making filled sandwich cookies? I got rid of my leftovers because it was a hazard to my health (ha!), but that's what I would have done if I kept it around :) Thanks for your sweet compliment about my blog too, I really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Oh, delicious looking cupcake! Will definitely check out the recipe!

Pam said...

You need not say another word. I must try these cupcakes.